
I explains groups or I explain one? You cannot logically process more than the One? Don’t understand ? Okay ...if I explains to you it’s her Obama daughter, that’s the move I say I did it to her. Is that clear? Get worse? You awaken? Blink your eyes for more, it’s more shining each additional seconds you do that til lunch? It’s breakfast here time.

 I explain whom did I do to, and how I did it to her father since 2014, her father entire TSA groups. That is one to one. I me, to her, that’s just this case. Do I do it to Tamang and ‘Ola, Dean and Dr T, all at the same time ? They will think? Co-relate data...because they are smarter, they know better, that’s exactly the chess maniac he writes on his paper what’s the “none negotiable”? Vietsnese war and chess club. You all had? I read like this video I sent you, how do I read? Back end video? Classify only ? It’s a tissue paper to act...that frame does exist ...it’s a tissue paper...they remember. Do you?

Babaji: no. 

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