
Anna’s materials cannot be duplicate, it’s too real, you don’t know whom sent you, I tell you what? Ready?

 You are selected and if you are not dead but jail, the day I rule, you will start 24 hour college creative writing style exactly like Purna or like me. You should not be dismay ...you see, it’s not just the girls heart torn...your heart rate of that blood pressure is still just a number, you are on your ID high tech card? Your body, your mind, your mental sphere ..it’s every bite of you, you know you make it or you die. It’s just the Time. Heart race, eyes move, air breath, feeling untold, unconcern, indifferent, sweat unsure, it’s air con, it shouldn’t show. It’s just aura, it’s just camera cannot see all, it’s just desk side all, no one sees the groups, singularity of your existence and all that synchronicity, tell me, your belief, do you have one? Are you willing to have one? It’s not a test. It’s Life.

Babaji: Time

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