

 You are here all day.

Babaji: I am here everyday actually. 

You are pressing me to ...?

Babaji: think whatever you think.

I cannot think I really going there.

Babaji: I know.

I am actually comfortable here.

Babaji: why don’t you let Eben lead? 

I can sense why you are here all day is hanging me to go and talk to Eben.

Babaji: more panick?

Yes. You only said it was an idea.

Babaji: I said it’s an order.

You actually pushing it continueously.

Babaji: because you are retreaving 

You gonna do this again tomorrow ?

Babaji: you aren’t coming to work?

I will be here.

Babaji: Tomorrow we talk more

Of all things you don’t show up ...

Babaji: only this I make sure you don’t screw up. I trust what Eben knows what he is supposed to do, I don’t trust you on the other hand ruined my Bible story.

You mean it?

Babaji: if you can convince Eben that’s not the Bible story, I let you be free.


Babaji: yeah you two face to face to talk about that. You tell him straight that’s not your lamb story Bible says. If you succeed, our deal is cancelled. 

... ...

Babaji: you don’t give up, do you ?

I will read it myself. 

Babaji: good girl.

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