
🌟📞🏠☄️😨🤮💰🎬🧭😱🌪📖⚠️🎵🏡🔥💗🤕️ Simon’s gf Terry has no voice

 I know.

Sinnitta is a black black singer.

Terry is a no voice interviewer. Who Simon gives her a house they used to live together.

Husain is a no brained make-up artist

Lauren is a high school scandalous party little princess. 

Okay, where is my money...

On Neville’s file says “nutritious Nikola”, Simon, do you know what it means? It’s a Chinese way saying if you put some value stuffs in the brain, if things you talk about has a deep meaning. 講話有沒有營養

You got handicap mind, Simon. Your mind. You are a talent judge however seeing thousands of thousands people each years, but you choose to be with minority, handicap voice, no brain artist, and making high school headlines party little princess. You group them together. You go on trips with them together. You could kiss hugs to them and keep them closer no problem. 

People in the military, many entry it by examining their IQ with a standard test. So while I give them tiny hint in the movies, both me and them can work together. Warren Buffet talks about how you groups your team if you have to take it with you to the competition field. 

You are living with their accompany for years now. You could sleep with a black black person, living with a no voice girl ...it does not bother bothering you every second you interact with them ? You bring them on the news, Simon? Do you see how many cars you buy in the lifestyle you have ? Do you claim them to the public like you showing off with them? Showing off them like ...? In what way you showing off them?

You could get any model in the industry for a quick talk on the TV interview. You could date any women that’s more pleasing in their appearance, but you chose black and no voice...that’s a handicap voice problem. 

You got the dogs now. 

You like people to know you are an animal lover?

Do you see the video when you got locked it out of your house, what was your son doing in the car to the camera man? You were not watching him.

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