
I saw you 7 years ago, Simon.

 No I didn’t read your news Simon, about 7 years. I might saw you a photo a two, but I didn’t follow your news. Same like with Keanu.

Do you know 7 years is a very long period of time?

You and Keanu both are not young anymore. Can you see that on the news? Not just Botox news leaking out. You are using a face lift?

I am talking to you like a decent person because you were famous in my time. IN MY TIME. 

For how many more 7 years from now, you would be title me, “The World Honor One” (Buddha’s old title )

Does your Syco knows what I meant by that?

A boy band loses their fame after they turn 30. Simon, your age is double! Do you think to a 25 year old now my staffs in the military have a connection with who you are for what you do? I know your show still airing. Everyone all knows that. But you are just in one channel in that many TV channels now. 

Do you really want it me to do a survey among them where you stand in our family photo that posts on their wall? Like a criminal old face with lots of beard?

Is that just another person they heard you used to have a nasty name Simon? You are in the industry, you should know how quickly people turning their attention to the stars. 

You are old, you are fragile, your face lift news meant there is an side effects on your face or? You have a horn and a beast keywords, that EVERYONE is ready to send you to hell and lock it up.

Do you know what it means with ALL assistance of ALL people ready to seal you up as the beast in the Revelation in the Bible?

One is your family photo 

One is Eben, they all have wishes in their mind. ALL of them have so many wishes imagine if they were Eben, how great to feel to make a wish ? They really are thinking ! Thinking and thinking ! They imagine if they could own the world, billionaires, win over their family members, be somebody to go to school reunion ...endless of their imagination, they cannot help it. They completely cannot stop imagining if they were Eben, just getting one wish or wishes wishes wishes ... they finding ways if they can acquire the wishes methods in their life...you don’t know Simon, how these 194 country the mew orientation table new trend on their mind? This is one task that God grant them to do. Sealing up you, the beast? Their target is very simple...it’s to find all the faults you ever make in the public news. Do you understand that?

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