
Missionary is a sex position

 Babaji: you don’t understand why he sits on the horse but the white throne is like a chair position.

No. These are not clear said sex. If I took the terms, then we reverse the position, it’s I am on top?

Babaji: no one says anything you cannot do. You are married.

We are trying to figure it out how to revive you alive.

Babaji: YOU wish to revive me alive, do you see the Chinese drama? You are about to married 夜華=Eben. You can just live normal and not thinking of me? You have a life with someone to please him and cherish him. Did he like about sex, do you gonna ask him or it’s again he talks you listen ?

Women I hate sex. I had sex before.

Babaji: you wait for me to tell him you don’t like either him or sex so he is about making you hate him more so he can sex more?

Do you must talk in a way that ...

Babaji: Sex is important.

These verses don’t make sense to me. That’s ...

Babaji : a lot of terms if you were having sex to all under that Rider on the White Horse. I am just saying your worse nightmare. 

... ...

Babaji: if you don’t want that, you tell Eben you don’t want that. Fight over your views and argue why it’s not like that ?

I can just talk to him, I don’t need to fight with him and this is becoming more uneasy that you keep saying fights? judge and makes war ?

Babaji: you just follow what I tell you.

I don’t actually know how to make a fight with him.

Babaji: fight sex fight sex fight. That’s everyone does.

I actually don’t want that! What about 1000 years?

Babaji: it’s the mystery in the sky.

You mean horoscope sign ? Or you mean that rest of the verses after the wedding are all sex? This is outrageous.

Babaji: what did I tell you about men’s serum?

(Blush) Leave inside a women 

Babaji: like?


Babaji: they know about Ocean 11, 12, 13. And anyone with the heads knows what’s that many men groups together for a women.

Rape her 

Babaji: that’s what I want. You have to wait til the last minute to tell them.

I don’t want that.

Babaji: how to?

Tight the girl up, just use their hands and when the time comes, makes an ejection in her. Like in a rotation.

Babaji: not sex?

I am not sure. There are some worse saying Keanu is building up an army by one same girl. It’s an army he recruits. Still tight the girls both hands up.

Babaji: you don’t want to tell them or you don’t want to be part of any of these?

Zero with this.

Babaji: then tell Eben you don’t want that.

What’s the use telling him? We are reading the same movies the same Bible verses. 

Babaji: because his title is your husband. Can you open your mouth to say “my husband “


Babaji: see, look at this. You two have no relationship whatsoever. He supposed to protect his wife.

Really? Not you saying to him what fantasy he might have? Because I could just watch the Porn myself.

Babaji: you don’t trust me.

I don’t trust that : to each of those overly sexual ideas only staying in the photo frames, not in the real life!!!

Babaji: Eternal Love, did you see anyone else around?


Babaji: so why worried about it?

Okay, I hope you keep your words.

Babaji: I will. 

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