
Let me explain to you something, Purna


I always talk to you like I stand right next to you as your friend, a very young girl.

As King of King, Lord of Lords, or Lord Buddha, I gonna tell you something about me and exactly what Time it is now.

This is the time everyone around me impresses me who they are, with what they do. They each other demonstrate their skills and experty like the hunger game has lay out including like my college friends. No matter what I say to you or done to you, I have a right to keep things private to myself. With you, you violate this world law left and right. As a fair judge justice, your maturity should go to jail like they tell you 2001, that’s 20 years ago. The older you get, it’s harder to stay in the jail. To keep me impress with whom you are, it’s not this colorful clothing. It really is not. 

I never uses the Lord position to lecture you but I am letting you know, I am very clear which position I am in and why I am in it. You thought by pass the World law because we have a relation, I keep explaining to you, I can only regent in this world, therefore there is only very cold law existing between your relationship with me. If One ideal eye foundation saying something to you, it’s not I begging you to listen to them that impresses me. I tell you, Victoria Secrets has a signature, you suppose to look very carefully on that and think very very seriously.You suppose to look at their entire operation, research, thinking through this world hierarchy, knew yourself, knew where your life you create, the misery you lead others to, and crimes that you stand up for me to see you and must care for you, that is not impressive. The Entire world flooding !!

These movies, I don’t even suppose to explain it to you. It supposes to be everyone with a mature character to venture and contemplate deeply through what they know and what to do with their life. My role is to keep a good friend sometimes say a word or two. Not feeling tired this entire situation is leaning on me.

Do you know what a mature person supposes to do? Do I look stupid to know if you enjoy to play Jesus so you dress in Iseral like One and proclaim yourself as the One? A mature personality would never do those stupid role play custom on these clothing and made a crafty story on the television to fool me!! Who are you thinking you are fooling with?

All worlds to the Lords have an offering, apparently you taken very happily and merrily that jail sentence never belongs to my command what you suppose to do with you having all kinds of excuses. Don’t think I was looking like I look, to be fooled. Like I said very early time, if the entire world fails, the only person you supposes to impress, it’s me. And I can tell you, what you do is outrageous 天地不容

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