
📞 Commander-in-Chief

 Upon hearing Babaji says Anna is reading the Red River Manga on the Commander-in-Chief, so she is the Commander-in-Chief

Your reaction

A. What Commander-in-Chief?

B. Babaji says ? Or why don’t you say it’s your inner master says, I didn’t say.

C. Anna is being chased outside to get online to do this blog? She becomes the Commander-in-Chief, you must be joking. I understand the first part, I don’t understand the second part.

D. Tesla is important, but he is NOT that whole wide world important, isn’t he? Apple says she is AC all the way back 1984, are they mad?

E. If I pick up a blog and start writing and making a video of myself everyday, I would become the Commander-in-chief. Mock me!

F. I never have that language issues because I don’t ever talk in public by my nature as a shy Vietnamese short leg nun.

G. If you poke me with a statement like that, of course I have a reaction who she thinks she is? By being chase? Why doesn’t she just shut up and only listening to what I said? Does she have an idea who is the Master? Me is on the television being worship by millions of people or Galaxy beyond.

H. No, I never think like that, but I understand you can write like that as mimic my voice. My internal real feeling, I hardly say.

I. So do they find 10 Torus to say my feeling or dress another Vietsnese rich nun to say pretending like me? They feed them good food, good clothing, loads money to buy high class shopping goods? They would do that as the Millitary to go that far? They Vietsnese sold me? They lie, they lie, they lie.

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