
Babaji: you want me to get up to write for you ?

 No, I am writing.

Babaji: it’s first time she got repriment in front of everybody. She turn red. Then she cried. She won’t be speaking to me for next 5 days.

No, I am here.

Babaji: because you know no one can see you could see everyone. Ready to tell Eben.


Babaji: did he know why you need a photo if you could stop crying?

Already stopped.

Babaji: cannot he know why you need a photo not instead going to the front door?

Border and I have to sort paper works, I don’t want Eben to really know that.

Babaji: did he have a right to know what you gonna do with one photo ?

I was going to handle it myself.

Babaji: did you ask either me or him first?


Babaji: you don’t think you should?

... ... He was the only family to lean onto, there was no one else. Ask you, you just didn’t say kill him off and finish. Asking Eben, I have to tell him what happened.

Babaji: if you know what I would be saying, didn’t you just open your mouth and talk to Eben first?

You are invisible. Telling him you have an intention ... I actually right now couldn’t even say a word at all.

Babaji: you can just tell him you are not that open to talk about things like that. His methods.

... ... 

Babaji : he cannot think?

I try not to think he meant anything. Was he got upset for his life turn upside down, Neville file 2014  I never thought I should read it first before I told everyone that looks like Eben. Until so many years pass to now, I realized what I did, including Harry/Simon profile got back fired. I completely lose contact to them because I left. I should have checked those files back then these movies title. 

Babaji: so?

I read Neville’s file. I guess he got humiliated to a very bad degree. 

Babaji: did you ask him?

It was my fault. No, I didn’t ask him.

Babaji: you don’t talk to him because you don’t want him to find things out or you think he would not know how to find things out or you just completely don’t trust him?

I didn’t have a life, my life became a ruined, then all that has to throw away, you didn’t say who you are, everyday I hold on one breath to stay on the buoy, one side I have to ensure human side don’t know ET exists, the other side you makes me cannot breath to show up on the lotto ticket message. Then so many things happened ...that buoy drift me like I could slip any time in the sea and not coming back on. The TV only uses two words “Heaven’s trial” to close the arguement. The Porcelin doll just go by page by page image. When I finish it 2020, then there is a flood. Then it’s Miguel on the Secrets. If he got upset, of course he got upset.

Babaji: you could tell him you drift to his side and?

I made a video to talk to him.

Babaji: and ...

I just want to tell him something happened badly on this side and leave. 

Babaji: AND ...

I was in my own mind saying things not making sense to him.

Babaji: you want to say he heard you on which day he heard you?

Just recently.

Babaji: and ?

I didn’t think I could make things so complicated.

BabajiL why didn’t you just tell him you were in a very bad shape any time, those time, and you didn’t know he could use his brain to find things out, even Neville if it’s not his file, you don’t think he could ask you why you think Neville just looks like him?

At that time I just keep talking to Simon and trying to get rid of Keanu=you restrain me. I actually never have Eben in my mind.

Babaji: so you should just tell him you are not attracted to him but because there is me, you cannot tell him or unwilling to tell him Babaji is talking about him.

I mess up that file things. It’s 7 years pass.

Babaji: you don’t think he can handle his life with his file?

No, he can handle his life and his file.

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