
Babaji: next time you gonna cry again, I gonna write for you.

 It was already stopped.

Babaji: if you don’t like his method...

I could just tell him, I got that. Got it, boss.

Babaji: don’t call me that. 

If I don’t like it, just tell him.

Babaji: you sure?

Not sure.

Babaji: you take it as the match maker but you can still tell him why you don’t like about him. Is that his video, is that his lectures, is that his methods ???

I said I watched Coco is fine.

Babaji: I am talking or you are talking?

You are.

Babaji: so ...you could say it !! He doesn’t know why you don’t like about him?

I might have said that before but I don’t know if he was online. 

Babaji: so you pretend you like about him, and because there is a grandfather you knew the Chinese title on that grandfather, you sit with your stomach fire and couldn’t say a word about how to nullify that so everyone knew the drama might be real because you follow in exactly the plot...

No, I didn’t think like that. I am just more in caution about him than the rest of the others people.

Babaji: why would you be telling me you should be more in caution with him?

... ...

Babaji: what did I say to you before?

Talk to him.

Babaji: and?

Words don’t come out.

Babaji: do you want to tell me what did he do that you don’t like about him?

I am sure he is a fine guy ...

Babaji: that’s not my question.

... ...if you just want me to find the words to talk to him, I would. Can I go now?

Babaji: (slam door)

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