
⭐️⭐️⭐️Babaji: you heard what he says ⭐️⭐️⭐️

 Kinda of. I guessing all the time.

Babaji: tell him what you did the first thing so early this hour of time.


Babaji: cry-ing.

Why did you ask me to marry you? 

Babaji: do I need a reason to tell you what I want to do?

This script says you are back, leave and back.

Babaji: you want to ask me if I come when you die.

Romance journey 2009 pillow is how Tesla die at the very last. I gonna fly?

Babaji: you never know where the UFO technology gonna shows up.

I am asking you seriously?

Babaji: want to pick a dress?

You haven’t answered me?

Babaji: you gonna explain your proud moment with Eben what you did in the Porcelin doll? Like bragging a little.

I know what I look like, now you want me to introduce myself to him?

Babaji: this shirt looks great on you.

Can you stop? They cannot see, and I cannot tell?

Babaji: you are getting married and you worry about your death I don’t come.

He gonna have those preserved art table I cannot use the alcohol and peroxide on it?

Babaji: He might use the regular detergent.

It’s already diluted it. I will dilute it more.

Babaji: he is not a chemist, he won’t expect you to actually acting like one in a real life.

You want me to introduce myself.

Babaji: you have so many things to say about yourself, apparently some friends of his might already look at your profile what you done with the military or at least whom those have heard about Eben.

I can see them. That’s not our conversation point.

Babsji: are you an analytic mind person or just so used to do anything without a draft, and how many years do you say she was doing all these without to proof reading, she gonna make a history book without proofreading at it to the entire world military on the back. They have to see how a Chinese word being type, you know? And watching you on the video how to nail Chinese on the wall, apparently you are at a strange corner outside China doing a strange thing they imagine. This kind of habitual thing you keep doing, by now they would have found out you are on the edge of Hunger Game, so the game maker has to put a burning fire to shoot you out of your dreams and sleep.

They are the Internet marketer, not analysts.

Babaji: if they are not Eben’s friends, they still can make the friends with Eben.

You have a lot to say about that?

Babsji: let me see on my list..the Porcelin doll are just sword fight over the typing skill, they have none in the Chinese typing.

You already repeated that.

Babaji: there is a big Apple sitting in Chinese market, the entire population of China.

You mean the marketing department. 

Babaji: you would have thought it’s nothing. They want to know how proficient you can say, write, knew about Chinese. Their liking their culture their language, their spirituality, 

That I didn’t see it.

Babsji: so I am telling you. Eben he knows the Chinese.

I think I gonna dye my hair if I have to go to his world.

Babaji: you don’t mind here?

The Chinese don’t care how I look alike.

Babaji: so besides the Chinese fighting mode skill, your ENglish skill. Your traveling skills, your purchasing skill, what do you introduce them to buy and sell.

I did that?

Babsji: you sometimes do something remember?


Babsji: look, you forget to look at them there. Not just the Porcelin dolls. 

My grade paper ?

Babaji: they study your organic chemistry or climate change or bio.

We have to keep talking about this drafts?

Babaji: you didn’t look up the textbook. You just say it. You are not going to tell them do you work on the climate change everyday in your head so you have those knowledge and words? You come out of your words like there is an order way to say it. Did you do that to all subjects. You have the ice skate, you have the cooking, you have even MAKE the websites in how many days you doing that switch board. Can you handle the backend administration. Some people only knew how to talk with a draft.

Can you stop about this draft? I already know.

Babaji; really?


Babaji: you have done the basic anatomy or physiology and detox actually is popular among them.

What is popular?

Babaji: detox. 


Babaji: their face, their shape, their client has a lot of health reason to purchase and to buy products with. 

Why today you keep going on them? We already seen it yesterday.

Babsji: you just write you seen it. What did you see?

Go on.

Babaji: singing.

They hire those country singers, I know.

Babaji: can you be patient ? These people have no music background.

What else?

Babaji: you do things with the Time. 

Okay, the time table. 

Babaji: so you are more right brain or more left brain?

I don’t know. 

Babaji: you guess it right on Harry and Neville’s file on Simon and Eben. What else you see? So they have the books to read. How you upload the photo, take the pictures, shake your head, tilted, photograph photograph photograph in minutes in seconds upload to public Twitter. They have to do a lot of manual technician things. And then compare the photo results. What’s real on your personality? Who else has evaluated her and what do they say about her.

I would be curious if they just got hired or they were hired already a while ago.

Babaji: it’s irrelevant. And what’s the chinese thought of her. Because technically the Chinese tempament is different. They are reserved and listening a lot. Can she relate them clearly what happened while she is outside the country. Did she make them feel she is part of their Legand and myth, so on so forth.

That’s not what see. Not that complicated.

Babaji: I know. What do you think the evaluation was on?


Babaji: does Chinese military feel she is a dummy or feel she is part of them or more like ABC or a movie star from the Hollywood if she married to Keanu.

What? Purchasing power has to do with their Chinese military.

Babaji: they just talk about it. The Public and the military has a different access. You went on touring the city, you went to the vision test. What’s their average if they wear the eye glasses more. And what’s the influence to adjucent Japan, Korea, Thai to South Asia where there are dominating another part of the marketing -population.

So complicated.

Babaji: feeling better?

I am all right.

Babaji: you gonna cry every single day or what?

If we don’t talk about it.

Babaji: see...tears drop.

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