
Babaji: India is another big purchasing power

 You exist.

Babaji: technically people like to hear about gossip, many don’t even care if the validity is true.

Until they find out it’s true?

Babaji: well, that’s another thing, not many people would do what you do to spread yourself wide open on the Internet. So they break down in the test to test themselves the basic thing. How to feel if typing on the Facebook for example. 

I make it easy.

Babaji: they save a lot of time practically you are on the Internet 24/7. It’s world wide all have the Internet access. 


Babaji: India has a Me problem, you sing them a song, so there is an impression. Who Babaji married to, what did she do and what else did she do? The story you tell them about Purna and where did she get the reference from the backstreet boy. Technically they do things like the Chinese. They evaluate. There is a Yogananda part, there is SMCH part. They are the public speakers already - speaking is not a big deal things to them.

They look at my internal dialogue with you,

Babaji: more. Like you see 194 country so you just tell them. Most people prefer not to tell because it’s like a secret they have with God.

I have no shame you meant.

Babaji: you have your school subjects but they aren’t exactly written words by words from the textbooks like you can look up from a textbook to solve all your video problem. If you proclaim you are the Lord of India, not just regent in China, why born in Taiwan ...Indian wants a test. How it feel like when you do all these things. Some people evolve not just reading at it. Because the actual doing is taking a lot of time. What’s the shrinking time yours compare to their time. What’s the proportion length like the evolution equal mark to the total examine population. Hair, eye brow, ...anything has a meaning from what you look like, to your name or pen pal name ....


Babaji: Yogananda is known in the US but “I Mahavatar Babaji” is deathless.

You want to say they want to know why you show up. You never talked that much.

Babaji: there is another things, they sent people to the US to learn things. To learn about the effects that Yogananda did, how AMerican people taking him, thinking of him, worshipping him.

India ?

Babaji: I I I I I.

Got it.

Babaji: Most of all, why you got the quality and they don’t.

You have to make it sounds like among all their religions and language issues, you looking for talents.

Babaji; Let’s put this way. Because you are not an Indian or American background. You are more Chinese ancient Drama Martial Art type. They all...I mean literally all of them imagine if they can all got picked by me to do their messenger jobs.

You mean like ...a Sunday church priest ?

Babaji: this is the part you don’t understand ... some people wants to go to Heaven.

Hold it.

Babaji: Let me finish ...they have a mind like a missionary like spreading a teaching to liberate many human suffering. I know you heard SMCH saying lies all the time. But there are human, very different from you wishing to be my partner.

Partner or disciples ?

Babaji: that’s the thing. You didn’t say disciple. You say we were married.

They want to make a difference in other people’s life because they believe they go to heaven with it.

Babaji: do you believe that?

Sometimes service to humanity I believe it.

Babaji: I SAID do you believe it?


Babaji: so they know they have to digging out what’s the Chinese Wu Lin believes from the novels, tv drama and a general Chinese belief  You describe them the traveling more than once, if loooooooong time practices stay alone, stay outside the circle, stays indifferent to all human...how did you make it to Babaji, is there a difference you and them.

You want to say the photo difference, 

Babaji: they can make a conclusion themselves. 

Okay. I understand it now.

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