
Babaji: this is the third day 😢

 I was just ... cannot help it.

Babaji: tears tears tears.

I will be fine.

Babaji: Eben should heard enough about nick’s gf. Or ex wife.

His ex wife pour blood on the sheet or sit on another man’s thigh, or there are town of couples husband and wife play swapping games that his ex wife wants to join, and he says no.

Babaji: then do you want to tell him the real games I say?


Babaji: You should. He knows who these people are, you don’t know who they are. 

Do I say I look for them? I told everyone these name are for a reason, and that reason is part of that in the real life, I make sure I am not bound to them, at least to my own household.

Babaji: if he asked you in person?


Babaji: so you aren’t going to talk to him the way you promised me. They know you are forced to say here because there are pressing force on you factors, at least my part. 

What do you want me to tell him?

Babaji: all of it.

That’s not possible. I don’t remember all of it.

Babaji: he can guess you know.

Everyone in his field, just like those people will say “Anna knows they are all schematics””She would probably not marry to Eben if she has a choice”....just probably ? There is no scale 1 to 10?

Babaji: you should tell him clear, not just John reading mind. There are hypnosis, there are priests who do hypnosis, there are “concentration” focus not to fall under others’ God’s curses if you don’t do what they say. Or nick’s friends he say making it to the millions all have good looking ladies who could look nice, dress nice, talk pleasant, present right to the public. 

I thought we are on your part of the conversation. 

Babaji: you forget to say that. You are not that type of ladies. If you would be yelling at Eben, you would tell him don’t waste his own time on this. You are hopeless on the presentation. Your life is always on the work just like Tesla driving himself to exhaustion. Not there to presenting.

I won’t tell him that. 

Babaji: you wait for him to find out with your closet or the shoe boxes in your house between you, your mother or your sister? 

I was going to cope with that.

Babaji: I prefer you just tell him.

I write enough of this.

Babaji: and I have heard enough of this. 

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