
Babaji: they are testing

 Of course they are testing.

Babsji: and?

Girls and boys of course I said the last THOUSANDS TIMES, they are DIFFERENT. Military where do they get all experienced girls ? In their life, they would already have asked their other guys friends or taken this piece of paper to go inquisitive them. Because most guys don’t TALK!

Babaji: you are not helping between your communication with Eben.

You want me to count nick’s gf in life one by one like the Victoria Secrets says, or he would say about the girls like an Asian or a Jewish women are? Or he was at his 40, he pour his money in this 90s seminar to meet so many guys, there is people he know now are dead? Or his friend who could read mind, let’s guess where that friend John got his gf from name Vivian so when they arrive our house, Nick tends not to push me on the mind to scream because he might hear it ? Or that Prostitute Asian is so shameless keep talking to him or asking for a date is a SMCH disciple ? How is the girls before his ex wife should he had married, like she was more quiet, he won’t end up the life he ends up? Or the best part, let me and him actually both go to some seminar like he enjoys the talking and meeting these great people of his idols? Or how to pick up ladies because when he was teens age, there are even older women exist seeking the young boy’s attention. He and his friend did what he didn’t say but they have a car? I cannot understand what he was mumbling. They have to make money ! He has this gossipe news he can watch all these Eben looking internet marketing department guy switch wife or girlfriend on the TV. She is a blonde he introduce her on the internet like I imagine Eben gonna be that shameless to drag me out to do what I hate seeing Nick talked about like he knows them well? Or how each of these big names, they built a big house or going somewhere to look green eco friendly ? I would have WAITED til Eben have asked me.

Babaji: no. You tell him now.

You are unbelievable. I have to go.

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