
Babaji: Heard that?

 I hear it.

Babaji: what do they say?

They said 

there are different groups, some of them are hyponosis related because it’s where the money are. People believe that. There are dangers but those are not the people Anna I gonna go and confront them. It’s mostly like the classify or government people, military, it’s not that complicated.

They, whom? are not complicated? There are the public people who randomly comes and go to the speaker to speakers. 

Babaji: they say it’s not that complicated. 

You meant to say I should have asked Eben first.

Babaji: are you going to?


Babaji: so if you smoke up, Eben without knowing all of the above, like the things you say, you are not going to give him any chance to explain himself ? Like what he does for a living and what he has achieved?

I thought I say what he does for a living. He is a business consultant. 

Babaji: really? You tend to believe something else completely without his knowledge - you hear about anyone says the public speaking is equal to...them, those “dangerous crowd”?

I said we were going to talk.

Babaji: are you going to ask him or you give him a chance to explain himself ?

No, I am not going to ask him. He said enough I have heard.

Babaji: I don’t like what you conclude things without my acknowledgment.

I said there are different people who goes to the seminar.

Babaji: you heard they saying, not every seminar does the same thing. You group all of them together and without telling anyone or Eben, you try to escape escape escape escape ...

I am not escaping.

Babaji: Really? If Eben shows up and your first reaction is to avoiding him ...

I might. I don’t know him at all.

Babaji: so do you want us re-schedule this? Say it louder I cannot hear you.

If you just cancel it...

Babaji: No. You have to deal with it. Pretend for once to smile at Eben when he shows up, not turning more pale on your face like the entire worlds don’t know where to find you showing up in the front row seats. See...pale. You turn pale just thinking of the front row seats. 

I need to take a nap. I woke up 4. How I turn pale, I deal with it. I didn’t ask him for help!!

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