
Babaji: macronni and cheese.

 I saw it yesterday, Mac Ron ni 你=you, smile like say cheese. 

Babaji: your offering table is empty.

You are famous in the US.

Babaji: you don’t believe I exist in India? By now because of you, I would be famous too.

That’s not what I mean.

Babaji: people believe a lot of things you don’t believe, okay? So they find things out what it is. 

Is Yogananda famous in India ? There are so many guru.

Babaji: yep, he just one of them. But in the US, there isn’t much being mentioned like I I I I I.

India has a lot of IT department.

Babaji: they do science and math too.

Their memory,

Babaji: exactly. Most people abandon their school knowledge once they grew up, like your climate change. There is a part if you are being taught, in what sense you gonna carried that knowledge with you and including the speaking part. They can agree with you saying, that does not mean they can organized themselves in a time pressing hours to dumping out what they know. They test before or after. Like “do a climate change talk” and later they show them what you do, can you understand her? Can you repeat that?

I understand. 

Babaji: some people do want to be spiritual. Including those US Eben’s buddies.

I didn’t say they are buddies.

Babaji: the same field associates. The Internet marketer or a public speakers has to be excel in various topics like environmental, health wise and meditation, that including the spirituality. 

What the public likes.

Babaji: not necessarily just the public like. It’s part of them sometimes. You see too many SMCH lies, you forget some people proceed their life a little different than her.

You mean Eben now?

Babaji: you don’t like the guy, you don’t have to hate him.

Which part of my face look like I hate him.

Babaji: you prefer me so you hate him.

In a few days I gonna be fine. 

Babaji: small kid knows ET and their parents only.

I am not small.

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