
📞 Assessment

 Upon hearing Anna and Babaji conversation in the last statement, 

Babaji feels I lower myself too much to you the sinner, to almost begging you to take Eben’s class and your attitude remains what’s that got to do with you to solving the flood issues are more immediate if “you are the One”. Eben is not the One.

They highlight each sentence or pick a statement to do an assessment , so they highlight:

what’s that got to do with you to solving the flood issues are more immediate if “you are the One”. Eben is not the One.

They assess : they cannot solve the flood issues. They can only do what the government telling them to do like the Legally Blonde for an exit.

Upon hearing this, your reaction is:

A. Whom told us what to do? What government ?

B. You mean rumors Hollywood is real and the government is controlling it to mock me not really to help me, EVER!

C. They could just help me shutting down with one masscred shooting one local meditation center like their TV says.

D. And I failing the test again by feeling it? I cannot make a statement to speaking out my women’s right anymore to be who I am? Like “who told us what to do, what government, that’s Hollywood, not government.”

E. Isn’t Babaji supposed to Love LOVE LOVE anyone with anything unconditionally especially a girl like me with a style? It’s by feeling it I have a style. Does he know every thought?

F. Babaji does not know anything, he just a yogi like the rest of them, so unless you screw my name here, he or Eben never finds out the Victoria Secrets says “I am a mess”

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