
Do you reflect? Bible 聖經篇

 Do you reflect on what your scroll say on the Bible?

The mighty Angel say in revelation ?

What’s the things turn sour ? In Chinese ? The Angel speaks in Chinese to tell me you have turn “sour”? That would not be how American read in English, aren’t they?

They say engagement on the princess diary, if you have a choice not to marry a Chinese, you would be in Love with a Vietsnese soaking with these bunch of sunflower that Britney telling me about your Love?

You wrote these bunch of heavenly letters on the television everyday were to remind me you would paint a dog to pink, but name a white dog Love to compare to your cooking gifts for taste with a Maggie sauce? Maggie sauce is from Vietsnese. I just hate that stuffs!

You could just paint a whole white lamp standing in front and introduce about it like you out your high heel hanging on the microphone in Menton!

Do you reflect on your mind, body, speech? All these years? Tiny mind tiny head not just shrinking in a blanket like I see you doing that’s on the magazine !

Let’s say, you reflect on you could do that, by that Book, you telling me about you have a very bad language problem ? OR you just have to be partially say that because you are prin’cess? Somehow you portrait that none stop since day 1 with 子歇他們?

Victoria Secrets are just a bunch of image with no words saying STUFFs I don’t want to hear about it ! How many times you hear me say I DONT WANT TO HEAR IT? That’s something not a nun supposed to read but??

That can just telling me ONE THING!

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