
The “pay”

 From my perspectives, if I hear my side story or TEsla era time the US story, not this song yet, I can tell you ...from my sense how you were before.

You were growing up, and being very very how to say, imagine what kind of family was 帝王之家

I don’t think the spoil was the word, because the king of the king is very mild in words, He has not just you but to face the entire world, Sangha or 女眾後備軍 or Wallace royal guards ....etc. You don’t know the rule but provoking attitude does exist deep within. Teenage.

If TEsla just report that ...like Chinese would say or you say US does that 打小報告that’s exactly the terms you used as your character. An industrialist telling me that as 打小報告???

Long time ago, maybe a lot of these talking methods don’t exist now, at least don’t reach yo my standard.

You pick up these words when you outgoing somewhere or with the lowly street people I have told you not to mingle with, you tend to just uses those language.

You may say “things being exchange “

Because that means you can be taken back one day with pride and hope, when that decree might be very firmstive. Your language issues were that, you have your mind full of these illusion if you are part as Princess to be royals like to be exchange ....sort of ...how can you say, you have 幻想你自己是交換的東西,you like those words, you love those lowly things I cannot reach my head how you get down that far ...like Bob Dean mention teenage stuffs. All of those girls would do things or say. On the phone never end ...or dresses or anything ....love....all these Backstreet Boys I don’t even want to hear anymore after 5 Lord Review, forget about them.

So lyrics, “taken back” last song ....just few words they say or anything they have said so far ...that’s about what I can say.

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