
Around …time she was being attack by a black cluster of insects…from outside windows at night, she says that in the tape. Do you know what she is saying ?

 I know you know Pet.

She knows them too. 她認識他們寵物

In Asia, if you are part of the nunhood at certain temple, all I didn’t say was …in Japan, they use sticks. 在日本用棍子寺廟我認為

Here in Taiwan, she becomes the solely God to use credit card and money, meaning no masters around , dead…what can I do ? Call little monks to spread water on Senior monk? Like they can do a thing ? 但是這裡是台灣,所以我只能叫小鬼小和尚

She used to join monks assembly in debates. Yellow robes. But that was early early early time, she had black short hair, too early before, she probably forgets it it was on TV. I have seen monkhood assembly is talking to her. 很久很久以前,她曾經黃色衣裳他們和尚短黑髮做討論,我其實也不知道他們到底是認真的還是混水摸魚,就一個她?現在都死光了

After she reach fame like Nominji, except she is secure by money…was she always unleash? I call 一貫道 (在她成名後像蒙古小鬼)

It’s not in my convinence to …look like I imagine things…don’t you agree ?

Babaji: right 

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