
2 different knocking 敲牆壁, Kail, that body might not be mine. Someone else. Kail go on purpose kiss it. But there is something else before or after …I cannot break it, she is telling him all kinds stuffs in what kinds of times spans ? She knock down sculpture

 In that long span of Times …she is doing all kinds of stuffs.

敲敲敲, mechanic movement. 無神眼神 but she sitting down back against him anyway, she was facing ? A wall ?

It’s different time.

It might be very long times.

To erase my memory, it’s Babaji near by me, he Kail right here?

Or it’s 10 of them on camera, I can feel it someone + Eben, they set a room, watch me like a monkey from outside ?

Mad …

I itchy everywhere ….Justin, 5 Lords says wall. Different wall.

Babaji: right

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