
This is 13, in episode, Lalla what? She has a friend or enemy or 汪星 like Tina’s friend ? Indian 500 years old is her competition same lineage students? What did he says? 丫鬟, that word …

 Fashion in ancient Chinese ?

India? I don’t know a thing you have ancient India outfit like Chinese? Because this morning, that Thai, thing, is very bad Shambdala, even to the foreigner. It’s not Ancient outfit, it looks psycho to them, maybe even to MD groups, that’s bad …

Can you get the data right? Today yesterday ?

I wrote it down.

丫鬟= servant in girl, younger girl, like no title. 

Servant yeah…Indian get other ranking? Because …in Chinese palace 宮女 is more title than 丫鬟, you sell human trafficking ancient China? They sold girls to. Meaning, not a position to be anything …if were to admit to White robe Master, never be the Wife like 宮女 could?

Babaji: right 

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