
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Someone clarify with all of you shorty, no relationship love coach, no mentor, no confident, no sex, no friends, no position like Wallace, no class like Lauren Simon they are

 Wallace 霍建華 will tell you the same I told you as the following.

I am highly manipulative.

I am highly skillful

I am highly resourceful.

There is the biggest most important religious or martial artist congregation on Earth they are sending invitation through the broadcasting all around the world, China is calling all out back…you as MD failed.

I am highly manipulating Lauren + Simon, they both NOT ONLY had a feeling of Da Vinci on the past, they knew he was hired by Lodovico, the fact, they cannot both tell you, they are upper class, they remember Da Vinci is highly skillful.

Yesterday as a MD, you supposed to say both words to Lauren + Simon.

Simon is freaking out, so MD not technician paper me telling him certain very important things he should focus if Lauren went missing …..same time telling you all comparing him shorty status or achievement of works CV video. They cannot tell you a thing because Da Vinci I told them, there is an upper class issues. There is a no relationship love coach stupidity issues, not going to ETR, she says yesterday, you meant Today Mark was what ABC. You fail in every degree I know, I told people behind 20 years, Pixie will be way too happy, if they go outside their structural building 5 inches, they might die, so instead, you all will DIE.

You don’t have 20 years, the tall guys knows you suppose all shorty get the period cease like Anna or talk clear like me to make friends with tall guys in class or job field or heart brain surgeon groups, fast, making friends and trust to tell you, Anna I am highly skillful to manipulating all of the groups all the time, by herself to do the dishes, she is actually working the hardest because she cannot die, not just talking writing in front, if writing making website is like you shorty talking ? You can not distinguish love sex games eternal.

JC and all agents are in the field, they have no ideas whom to target too…

I say Wallace start, has a yellow 4 points frame point twice ….

I set traps with Yeth, the day before yesterday, both Simon to Harry all the way to South America …they both are horrifying, you could MD lending them both a tiny hands by saying some words, saying something to make them notice you as a professional, what a decent heart suppose to be, because technically they both might not know nothing, but not this time, Anna. She was helping them all the way…all the time, like Africa time zone, she just made it in One Day!! She collapse, you all trumpet win !!

You are so jealous no sex experience to care if someone Penis put into me if that’s the most intimacy between two people, nake it or not, drug or not…you are so insane and lost mind, you just want Elon Musk money like Tina’s best friend childhood or Howard Marconi. Anna I am helping them, telling straight and loud to every direction of the world, what they think, want to hear, how to manipulating you just like I Anna did to all of them for 8 looong years.

I Anna is telling every word to confirm them each every voice they will doubt things I Anna says it mean it or not, repeating sentence so all side knows, it’s not telepathy anymore, it’s a written manipulation I know you know you are there that way, I am here this way ….

Anymore question if the US will give you all things just trying to make it ETR top 1%, not get killed, you still cannot pass 3 world laws, Anna says 911+ Sandy Hook elementary, so you not only need to replace ETR but bossing President female “Broken English” here in Taiwan to succeed in that script homework to you for little monks to like you in 10 years, they replace Wing, he didn’t know what Babaji is cruel about …Anna is …this , every single day with not just Babaji, Mahavatar Babaji, translation Chinese is Mahavatar Babaji Mahavatar Babaji Mahavatar Babaji Mahavatar Babaji Mahavatar Babaji Mahavatar Babaji.

巴巴基: 對 對

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