
SMCH 清海無上師 association is in 424 Hornor avenue ? Well…Loving Hut was in downtown, the real vegetarian people is highway 7 all the way East, pass the mall, it’s called Scarborough. No where near Toronto. It’s very very far.

 Green Earth vegan cruisine Toronto all the way very East. Me, Ming (Bird of Paradise book back ) Gordon + his Asian girlfriend + whom else ate there. Ming is University of Toronto professor going to China sometimes. SMCH 清海無上師 might know who she is, very very tall. It’s very very East and South = Green Earth vegan cruisine, it’s initiate own= the association members. I went there without Nick. In anywhere Toronto, it’s very very difficult to park.

Oh no, not Eben + Vartan…I meant Nick he drives us better, he got a tag to use priority seats. Toronto is very bad bad on street, they have time changing side in parking to read up there on an electric pole…a terrible place to live.

Around mid town, there are rich homes, but in Woodbridge, there are mansion home. You just visit Craig there? Your sponsors package begging money by the way? 

Canada is too big, last time we were on map Conan Detective, 7 death like stars. I think they pixie plays location themselves well. If you are not Pixie police with a free pass, I am telling you, don’t marching Toronto with the car, in the car Nick drives I drowsy …it’s very difficult from new people going in. From highway Queeney, Eben + Vartan will both exhausted so bad, because it’s like a maze.


巴巴基: 對 對

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