
I ate …I ate again…liquid …what ? 祖譜 = family tree? Prince William + Prince Harry =東方,he went to America, that’s not Orient. Hi, Pixie 🛎

 Is there a reason, my family tree map


Queen not in the 花千骨 14 to say starting her family tree maps down, Prince Charles + Camila

Is Mathrew married to Brazilian = Camila?

Oh …he leads = 落十一 teams ?

He ought to, not sure he did.

He is on horse, with another guy on horse. 

I got mix up …

I am = White Robe.               Eben (鳥盡弓藏)               習近平

Technically when I see Tony Robbin file on wiki, Pixie🛎 it’s an question = nullify.

We= 銷魂殿= Me +Eben 

The sequence, just for now, we have a sea in between. 

馬尾= a girl name= also a hair done, pony tail

… …

Babaji: Anna

丫鬟 = two bump on the head, like sailor moon, Eben. All hair up.

Roller blade? 

You mean to see in Taiwan, it’s every Sunday children in the park.

She was the captain - roller blades club.

Oh ~ Eben mean not the video he sees 鳥盡弓藏?


Then, 七殺= us, Yeth ?

In a month?

We start the day before yesterday ….so it’s 

The day after Tomorrow ? (Movie)

Simon Cowell.

Some people might be dead.

Not in a month.

No, we say to Christmas. That’s not us, or …someone gets the calendar !!! 🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎🛎

Today is June 30

… …

It’s karmic 

Babaji: right 

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