
You want to scream eternity or demonstrate

 Tell me, you hold your hearts with your hands ...you know where you heart is at? Okay. Say it in the microphone. Like you always smile the way you could smile at it any time any occasion like now ...

“Dean you looks incrediblely handsome with the hat that Anna wants to gift you for a warm wet kiss. It’s so nice to see you in this occasion that my parents are here, anna ask me a question with a hand on my heart, do you know I have a feeling and that feeling is bigger than yours ? Do you know I have no problem  others soothing my feelings but I care too much I have to do for others. It’s ...too short kegs to be put on ice with your height. You could see far? Yeah? Fatima is short too. Wing and Jonathon are short too. I cannot feel my heart, it’s numb, that’s every sentence words said with a real touch of the feeling or not I am very very sincerely and honestly express myself like this, in these words to be remembered on that one Facebook every night 11 o’clock ...”

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