
That’s right, it’s you behind stole the Data so you know about Wallace and did an analyzation on him, or else you don’t know him, like now?

 I have no ideas what they told you about Wallace? Like a mermaid story to save a prince you ever imagine he is on the shore you watch him walking further and further away? You sing like a mermaid ? He surely hears I sing and him self sing ? I went to KTV, I know the machine to order the song, do you think he is behind that wall to do a pitch singing competition ? No, I didn’t hear it any difference ? Do you understand what I am saying? Mark too. It’s just only how many songs Wallace sings I sing. There is a Hallo Kitty booth, they ever made one in your camp that seeing what’s popular in my Egypt Ramses at? You like you know or you confuse my technology in playing Hallo Kitty? So you sing inside one by one and you discuss with your peers yet? Never talk ? Never interested in? It’s a Microphone, to the infinite...one wire ...暢行無阻. I sing too. Wallace knows. Does it bother he know I sing the way Justin finds out in the lyrics Madrical? Adam ..he has a bad voice don’t sing. But Simon sings once someone force him...I cannot understand what was that so Lauren probably have to show me again what the heck that was? Someone hold him a microphone stand behind or in front of but he cover his hands to hold or she holds? Black hair black skin girls? I cannot remember....that’s would be another video on your clarification how to see the images in my head, inside your eyes from behind your brain upside down...

Babaji: both time

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