
No he knows I Anna don’t judge him, there are things he likes about Da Vinci. I don’t care about his petty mindset.

 He knows I would just tell him, that’s none sense as Da Vinci. I am a polite person. He knows a lot of things himself, he cannot read that history, he did a hiring ? Oh, he will know he likes a lot of ideas but this life there is nothing to do with him at all. He knows the fact very clearly. If he cannot work on the fact, he dropped it. He knows where to get it. He is just mild with Da Vinci. Da Vinci is Da Vinci because he is Da Vinci. He likes to talk or asking opinions ...Da Vinci knows he got it wrong, he doesn’t mind Da Vinci telling him or explain, they had a trust built, but, but, if it’s anyone else Da Vinci try to says something, is or is without like Da Vinci says, he will get very furious like those binbo to him, he has a temper, you don’t violate that. He doesn’t trust anyone, not in that field. They look like amicable relationship. It’s not real. He can tell me 100 of names just to see what do I think, he goes behind door to revenge, because at Eben’s house, it’s me with Eben, I don’t go to his world. He likes that. They if find out he and Da Vinci relationship is formed and doing things on purpose, oh, he is Simon. He knows exactly what’s things doing on purpose. 

Babaji: you think he is like that or I tell you?

I just tell him. I type it. 

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