
My cousin (regent problem Taiwan)

 I bet they went to investigate that cousin of mine 方方 she went to California, saying her father bought her a car. Girls like her pride very high, they need people to respect them without saying a word. ‘Her father bought her a car”...the strangest thing ever heard. Does your father from the military hospital told you to tell me,”he bought you a car”? This is very strange. Her father is my fathers brother. My grandpa my father side is military liutenent from that known China top general retreive to Taiwan. Yeah, the same military. Except her father also got divorce in their high school. Like my father, so both our family are broken up. We used to play together all the time. Her father bought her a car or SUV? If her father told me that, that’s one thing. She is very quiet. Lesbian and got married. If I told her father that one photo she did on her website rumor to become the most shameful Taiwanese, her father is also a very quiet surgeon. The military surgeon. No my father was a business man. None related. Yeah, my cousin 方方,you cannot lose her face, she is too quiet. She wants a full family to say she is so and so daughter. If her father wants her to get close to me by they knowing what I did with Organic, okay it might be. Of course her father does. They are not like that. She got my original name, so I have Yehweh name now. I don’t know how they dissect these situation. 方方她的本名原本是我的,後來她又自己作主改自己的名字跟我的另外一個表姐,你們是拆了他們的家嗎?我做攝政?

Babaji: too complicated. 

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