
Like yesterday I say to you all, you want to test the limited if your Steve Jobs limits, how he die. You want a mesmerizing tearing story to be remembered, it’s after dead like Steve Jobs, we go back to discuss about yesterday your pushing me the patience agenda...

 You want to step on others to say you rules...you will use your high heel I say so, you bet on it, right? It’s your will or my will? Of course it’s wrong. No one taught you better you grow up with, I will help you ...exactly dream like the movie, act like the movie, pretend to be like the movie because you dare ...you daring to have a second doubting me and that second I will not hold still you gamble my future or yours with your spy parents you just by accident rusty Brat Pitt imposters hammer...he was on yesterday MIB international, and his boss tell him DONT. And there is a following great story she cannot see the eye right or left of a cute and funny creature I bow to you all ...

Babaji: bad bad bad. 

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