
Kiss a guy for a year

 Kiss a guy for a year, let the guy orders your massage therapy like that Taiwan YouTuber, dress you with fashion clothing everyday, party like every dinner with others on the table with Simon. Just tell me after pregnancy or ages grows, you becomes more independent each days without a guy? Then they divorce you? You found a new happiness in sewing cloth making a jewelry like Prince Harry Ex gf ? It’s the guys, not the ET. They are higher evolutionary most of them, or they know themselves as their wolf pack order. They make this world. You become what? Memory issues at 35? I want to say to Dean, do you know Ola? He wants to hear on all of these if he knows? You only make a very very basic life choice, shut up and listen to the guy if you want to be with them. Don’t make a hell in life with them, they know how to make a hell for everyone !! I say the same things over and over. You girls don’t want to grow smart. You want to be a cow, lazy cow home to say you know yoga pants or 3 years gyms experience be on the TED says, she never went to gyms before ? Oh ~~~~~~why did she say she goes to the gym again ? Stupid people know endurance.

Babaji: You lie, they tell you that? The guys.

No, I didn’t lie.

Babaji: Eben just shows up like this, you got panic!

I saw what they are doing. Google here are in 101. Where is he?

Babaji: I don’t know.

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