
Keanu thing is when I am already in Hollywood to know he is a French King but 26 was probably when later ?

 I found out the long wiki with the photo ...I didn’t even check the painting I went to Keanu bilistic about it. Like when I die ...he force me to watch matrix. I have seen the first one but not the others. Oh .... that’s how you were doing this...so we finish talking or talking still on Google plus, I will go visiting myself. I don’t find him I still gonna flip that Hollywood to see what they live at. Yeah you girls can do all that. No, I didn’t know if they know my computer yet. I didn’t think okay? There are things you don’t have time to think. The circumstance I was in. Of course I know what’s that 26 movie her mother made for her probably on the girls go on 40! I start to remember I will be. 

Babaji: you were too young already when you go to Hollywood.

.... ...

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