
His career changes to the airport back offices jobs i heard

 Yeah, she will have a lot to learn if she lets him be comfortable with her. He is re-married. He has a family. She has to be really charming without her father better to get him say yes. Take it as the most important assignment for the Taiwanese or Chinese. He probably knows what I am saying but he needs her to say it to him herself. She is always 吱吱嗚嗚 she talks to other friends fine. Her uncle...I don’t know. She may not think he is like that. I said he is exactly like that. 恩右叔叔 what? It others girls like 小龍她們 joins in with all my fathers friends daughters? Oh yeah, if I were them heard this, it’s just one him only on the TV, “dad you got money, I need a lot and no I quit my jobs. I am going there get that guy “ yeah. If you told them girls all go and flirts him, the young girls. 

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