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Babaji: You never really talk about them neither ?

I think they are fine.

Babaji: oh

When I see them, I will know what to talk to them, just right now I watch their videos.

Babaji: ask me, or ask you.

... ...

Babaji: ask me, or ask you.

Ask you.

Babaji: right.

I will ask them if they travel far, where they come from.

Babaji: that’s how they wish you start the conversation with ?

I didn’t know they have a wish.

Babaji: okay.

.... ... I am sure they won’t just let me do all the talks. Besides it’s not Eben don’t give me time talking to him.

Babaji: oh yeah, you plan it all out. You assume they are not there.

I assume a lot of things so I don’t have to overreact on it.

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