
Eben is very bad


There is a lot of things he meant he is saying it. Eben. He meant I marry to him. That’s it. No, if I play games with him like with the 5 Lords or Wallace like Lalla doing. He probably knows all what the girls do. I heard he has how many girl friends on the car plate. There are things as a girl, you should never do. NEVER. No Eben will not purpose hurt me. No, not that kind of regime. I say NO already. The girls are very very bad when mingles in the guys groups. They are jealous and very selfish. Every attention is theirs. If Justin kiss JC for me to look ...do I react on it? Not these girls whom imagine they are the main actors on the stage. Maybe not the first day I see Lala doing ...but yeah, I can think of it after a day ...she is very out spoken. Yes. She probably steps on Eben a lot. She did a talk with a painting behind. Okay... there are the story to say. She doesn’t have a lot of patience to tell Eben’s story but she will have a lot of patience to make it up her own stories. You see enough girls problem to kill...they should just be dead.

Babaji: Like what else Lalla do?

Eben has glass on. He can see. She has some facial expression telling you no is no or she is telling you what to do. You should NEVER tell Eben type of people what to do, ever ! Girls dare to do that. I don’t. No, they really have a fantasy about the guys. Or these stories about how every husband is carrying the water jar for their wife, drive them home for 4 hours or taken them to buy candy bars or go to their works place to see their boss, or if all things failed, let’s act a drama, we have a fight the girls cry and leaves, see the co-workers or the CIA boss can care a bit...it’s just a cup of coffee mug in the kitchen they holding up with tears on their cheek. One of those stupid things.

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