
Do you girls ever work? To hear incoming people say thing by asking them a question ? If I say to a guy, “JC what did you see in the park” he will tell me what he sees in a fluent English and next time he will pay attention what to look! You girls ? Can you describe a thing you see from the park standing there with a clear straight forward English ?

 You girls don’t understand or understand? jC stays at the White House or stands at front door the bar, like Seth used to? They just stand in the windy cold wind, I say hi, they say hi? I said what did you girls see in the park? You gonna say you see a trash can with a label on top like a recycle sign and a garbage truck pass by every wedn 5 o’clock, it smells in the air, it’s not a nice park they do that ...

You cannot describe a thing like I ask you or I must wear a military uniform to say your answer is your IQ grade mark ? I say a straight forward in English what did you see in the amusement I hold hands JC for a date? We sits in a cup spinning get my a headache but it does not seem to bother him? No, we didn’t kiss. We hold hands. We walk around holding hands all the time. We went to buy the ice cream like the W two worlds, we follow the protocol, we went in the souvenir shop and I touch the cup, turn and see something and tell JC, that’s not on the protocol ...are we getting these things for Anna? Your name is Anna JC says? Oh, it’s definitely not written here to look like a cup to sell to me...

Babaji: right 

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