
Correct, you AMerican are stupid, I had a full education in Taipei Egpty like Ramses

 You American will never make it in the movies. You waste your life in stupid things in middle school or high school. You have no foundation built mentally physically spiritually. You don’t have it. No matter what you do, you cannot make up a time when you were teens that facilitate the heronome things. You play affection too early in life, you broken into pieces too young. You will not win ET, you cannot win. You don’t want a solid foundation , you don’t want a book knowledge, you practically didn’t learn anything in school except “Mean girls”. That’s correct AMerican are stupids. It doesn’t matter what books you read, it does not matter what adult life you train meditation, your youth time up to college stabilization is zero. It’s in the school. Asian can stays in their own lineage and Angelica you only provide them as little support as the technology, not spirituality, you have nothing equip. I said that very clear. I didn’t lie. I had a past.

Babaji: oh that’s too much, Anna

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