
Adam has nothing in life, so if encouraging him from me, he will say thank you kinda of and 津津樂道 ... I am actually a Chinese to see that....not because he is nothing, he does not humble himself, he accepts it. Any more worse Chinese will say that. It’s not true, but it’s kind of true. You are very 囂張

 Guys like Tony willing to take off the glasses to drive on the street. Levine records it? Because they know they are nature born in good looking. The very best of the guys if own everything, health, shape, height, practices, wisdom and evilness...it’s exactly the same like Tamang story telling him staying in the wood, he will remember it what’s part of the circle...it’s the air bothers him, it’s cold wind breeze bothers him he feel cold not enough jacket, the car is warmer, the ground is too far from his eye sight to look down..you imagine all looking down on the floor to walk, he wants to he wants to he wants to only look straight forward ...he is the king full of so himself, he will only look straight ..not the grass not the falls leaves that filled up the meadows, the scenery just like the post card, just like TV, just like the Hollywood ...

The fresh air in the morning with the cup of star bucks coffee aroma walking into the store was a easy swing of that door short - handler ...that upon walking in, all scenery are shorty lining up, his height and any counter table were escalating distant far, but it’s a treat of that liquid sizzling at heat, that purchasing a credit card pay were just a wallet from his pocket he remember he knows he have to seen that vague digits low monitor, he cannot see horizontal, to tell how much is a coffee cup ...it’s the height to the entire world design, the same measurement, same degree of enlightenment, sane outstanding made, kitchen counter top, donut counter top to pay to pay to pay to pay to pay ...it’s the same counter top measurement ...outside finally away from the store, it’s how high the white clouds go, his white truck to step on that rubber to join in the seat made that quarter hole ...the car driver seat, if seeing from outsider. He squeeze himself in the seat...it’s a quarter hole, he shrink...he shrink every time, he shrink each and additional time ....like it? The brand new world regime - Tesla made? You just don’t know yourself enough what’s my standard your suffers...

Babaji: me

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