
⭐️⭐️⭐️Sneaker - sports star advertise, big commercial success. (Not MH website, not Steve Job, High school ) - do you remember what I said yesterday? Mother Nature is unstable? Mountain folder I am still be here? Carried Underwood

 Sneakers, you know what’s below, jump, flip, run, bounce? I am high tech group. Earth is evil. Especially a Babaji him shows up agrees to it, Shiva unstable mood, “mountain fold, I am still be here” - lyrics, Carried Underwood, (Inside Your Heaven)

No, Ancient Chasez and Tro and me and friends then crystal skull alien aliance? Why don’t you just keep your memory clear and clear when I say one photo plot, you identify 2 singers in NSYNC and forgets the rest of them? Just two items to see and hear them on the news, you will never got mix up. I meant the doctors groups. 

Babaji: yeah ?

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