
430 scientology is medical related. If you are US Meds groups wanting to go to the US navy military or alike, you have to know scientology, as a doctor me past, I order you that.

 What do you understand scientology ? Evil organization dealing what kinds of population ? They are dealing with ALL population. They have claim things but they got books to read. Tell me, how do you find the books to read them establishment was Tesla Era, that 430 was not born yet trained on a ship by his mentor? Do you pay attention to that history I say to 430 Conan Japanese has a ship sunk it ...there is a Sojiro in Kenshin....he is damf or something ? You like the comic book? Okay. Read it. I know your Dianetics, you have been to Buffalo, 430. You got organization set up pretty good. So...if that’s as much as I explained to you medical students or Harvard, last night I sleep, you suppose to read about 430, and start telling me ...

“What did you say, that 430 what ? “

Babaji: bad bad. 

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