

 USA has to sit in front of that monitor like it broken. No matter how long it takes to see the difference til they understand why the One eye foundation says Ellen Goulding is snowing !! My face, my singing, my talents speaking ...you? You sitting in front of what computer to EVER care about the Lord? You care about yourself and your none stop practices in SMTV!!

Do I stop them watching So their monitor can be broken ?

I explain there is a possible situation, you have to break away with it from time to time. Do I look like I go and stopping them? Because I don’t know how serious they are to do to live to think to act everyday with me? like a Lord in their life? Do I even need to stress that out to them, the Bible country what’s like to stare at the Lord and the results of it? I cannot glow my face?

You are getting it all wrong, terribly wrong, all of it. 

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