
Offering food ( I watched)

 That’s A LOT on One Page filled with them. Many worlds? Limited to like one or two country? The food offering. 

Babaji: They meant the whole world (yelling)

If you trust me and him are adults, why don’t you just let the time comes, we deal on our own. You have to splash the whole conversation on the public page?

Babaji: I thought you should know what his profession is.

What does that mean?

Babaji: you don’t wait until the time to go and talk to him about it.


Babaji: man’s intuition. He would have done the same for me if we switching the role.

You have to have a body to say you have an intuition and called yourself a man. Until that ever happened, we could just be more supportive on my side, would you?

Babaji: what’s a big deal to talk about sex in front of everybody since the wedding terms are set.

You run through a list of words like what’s next word to tell me after the wedding, IT IS SEX?

Babaji: I don’t see why you getting upset over this. In man’s mind, we work differently.

Okay, we talked about it. Are we through?

Babaji: no, we are not through. You haven’t told him anything yet.

Once a month if I was in Canada. 

Babaji: did you talk about sex in between you two ?

All he ever talked about is sex and women or ex. I hate it. I don’t need to know the details. He has to keep saying it. I already don’t care about where he is from, he cannot just spare me to listen to all those junks. 

Babaji: did he wear that or didn’t him not?

Honeymoon he didn’t. Something happened. I got scared so right there he just have to put it on.

Babaji: did he ever asked to take it off?

Yes. Of course not.

Babaji: did he ever talked about how it feels? 

Of course he did. I don’t want to hear about it. If that’s so unbearable, he still find his way to come. 

Babaji: if all he talks about is sex, do you do any other things? Like essential oil or etc?

Of course not. He knows I don’t like it. He just keep saying when he was younger when he was younger, there is ladies this and that like he cannot implied enough I have to do what they do. He is he that, now he is older, he is different. 

Babaji: is that why you stay far away from Eben ?

I thought we ended that you wait til I talk to him. That time does not come.

Babaji: what does Nick tell you ?

I don’t want to talk about it. His perspective is like everyone is sex driven. Age and lifestyle ...he used to be in that circle people go to seminar blah blah blah ...there is manner, there is dinner, there is dress code. You dress nice to go play the games. 

Babaji: do you want me to tell Eben myself what I think your problem is?

No. I don’t need any of this subjects help. Can we stop ?

Babaji: you smoke up.

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