
My weight is 62.5 (The grade as if)

 Babaji: finally you tell them.

I have a willingness if my mother is not here, I can go down the weight. But on the other hand I worry if this has anything to do with the grades. I have a PCAT percentile 62 is biology, 92 math, 97 chemistry, English and comprehensive is 15+ or 25+. 

Babaji: they can see that themselves you have a gift in the science but not in English. 

... you want to talk to him?

Babaji: no, I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to do. 

I didn’t tell Eben I try to fix the flood. The ancient Chinese story, there is someone has fix the flood. It’s a very known story. So I went to get people, there might be new coming people on the website and I stuck at you Babaji issues and Eben makes me feel...

Babsji: like I didn’t know that.

If you keep showing up here, I cannot fix anything with my intelligent and my brain.

Babaji: isn’t you should just fix the flood with me sitting here with you better?

Anything you say.

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