

 Babaji: I want to talk about it, the missionary.

You are not talking to me or you just keep me accompany today as usual like yesterday. I am fine.

Babaji: there are some people born with some ability.

You want to talk about the movie?

Babaji: I am saying people have seen different things in life always be amazed by many people-people phenomenon.

If you collect India or the US alone, you don’t lack people to be called the disciples.

Babaji: that’s not what I am saying.

You are saying the missionary.

Babaji: do you know what is a missionary ?

Sunday church priesthood, it’s every Sunday talking about the Bible story to the public. They assist the needed from the church.

Babaji: Anna, why don’t you want to be in a missionary ?

I thought I already explained to them in China Ancient drama rumors, there are some swordsman martial art incline spirituality is not a Monk Order. Even the monk is one of the groups in the Martial Art Wu Lin. It’s just I don’t know if that concept is limited only in Chinese. The travelers.

Babaji: I am talking about the modern time, like what you want to be when you grow up?

What do “they” want to do when they grow up? I have too many crisis but to focus at the present moment - that’s a Buddhist teaching.

Babaji: when you want to use the Buddhist teaching, you become a Buddhist. 

I actually absorb a lot of teachings. I think you have a tendency if you found out a stranger like me on the edge of the world doing my own things, you would just half way stop my road, those incident of a traveler.   With Google plus that’s a quiet corner of a world ...

Babaji: you imagine that’s a quiet corner of the world.

You cannot held me responsible for using a free world resource to blast an internet incident, you have no form or no name show up ambushing me. Do they know this conversation of me and you needed time to train, everyday I know I am still polishing. 

Babaji: I didn’t say you weren’t trained. It will be everyone first time has to take that the movie is becoming more real each day to them. 

You wish to say they want to do something like the Porcelain Angel ? Oh...I c. Simon was “Only Angel” keywords to Porcelain Angel.

Babaji: exactly. 

What’s that to do with a missionary?

Babaji: they don’t understand why you and them so that much difference on the philosophy. And in the future to please me, they envision to know some of these quality you say to them.

So once again you were talking to the military. Why kids want to become a missionary-incline competitive world? 

Babaji: any company all wish to connect with the military somewhat.

I used to see some promoting video like Helicopter take off, I right away conclude myself these people are selling to the military, are they crazy?

Babaji: The venue is safe first of all. Second, to have a collaboration relationship, that leads to mandatory. America is a capitalism so the private company is more free to expand their business. Everyone competes equally. 

I guess that’s a good thing.

Babaji: so they want to attracts to the military in all kinds of means.

A commercial goods? Like the things I ate today is tasteless. I better show the image so there is no confusion about it. 

Babaji: Info war, ever heard about it?

I have heard about.

Babaji: if you make it to the top to provide what’s the most updated info news, you are in monopoly. 

I actually have to sort craps, not that if you want me to sell the info in a book, time is not enough everyday I polish a book. I only need a paragraph not a full book even.

Babaji: that’s not what I mean.

Missionary to info war and you stand there like a block of wall ...

Babsji: I didn’t say anything. You are not the only one can swing things to say.

... ... is that something I need to elaborate the Porcelin doll trailer?

Babaji: if someone like you to go bragging a little bit ...

I try to stay off the radar. It’s my nature. Born with it. Or you just want to talk about the modern kids if they could brag about it?

Babaji: it’s your choice.

I was just on my way to fetch my money, I encounter this this this and that. There is a sequence things in the motion of time.

Babaji: that’s not called bragging.

I do not know what bragging means when the reality is just like the TV shows.

Babaji: you blast something near by next to the Grey.

Oh? I did? I remember it was Reptilian they came to kneel to Purna, Grey I say no. I thought the Pirates of Caribbean’s ships are theirs...and they just evolve to become unbelievable more than one ship in a bag. I never want that topics to be said with Simon they are... so one day I switch to another website to nags about the ship ? Or there is the movie plot I happen to destroyed again that they design behind? The movie is a cover between this side and that side. 

Babaji: that’s an explaination.

Bragging like? I was happy about it? I almost cannot breath to surface myself each day on the internet. When I one day sort my words, we can talk about it.

Babaji: now.

I bypass the Grey.

Babaji: try again.

I was skilled in a combat field like on the internet.

Babaji: do you want to look up on the internet what a word like the bragging means ?

Simon has said something ring a bell... something like the criticism is like a breath of air, it does not affect him.

Babaji: no.

I don’t want to do this. I quit. You are impossible. 

Babaji: you have to make a sense what you did in that Porcelin doll. The public can tell by themselves even without you telling them or with tiny left over video what you could have done to this this this this and that.

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