
If Eben is King of Kings, Lords of Lords, the next round, I =nothing ?

 Then why don’t they call off the wedding right now when next round I become nothing ?

Babaji: I am afraid they cannot. He still leaves you in the Red River as that long curly hair girl in the place and follow your story if you so desperately hated him.

Stop saying that I hate it him. I don’t care about his business not because I hate him. I just don’t want to be part of it so he does what he likes. A decency to do. If he becomes the World Lord for next whatever chapter, then leave me free to do what I want. No more games, no more lies.

Babaji: I am afraid he cannot do that neither. He is bound by the books just like the many of us binds by the books.

Girls love him will dictating his business. If I don’t leash him, I really hate him? They are so full of themselves. I don’t like about the situation, that doesn’t mean I have to go hating him. But if he keeping doing this write-up reports, I don’t want any part of this, not this life, not next life.

Babaji: do you think he likes what you say you would do but you don’t?


Babaji: One time you say you will help him because Miguel needs the adult help.

Then was then. Now is now. I am not such a fool of myself to believe any of this. If for any reason he cannot be the gloom, he knows he still have a next chapter to go to, that’s how the games works?

Babaji: you don’t have to go screaming to everyone’s ear drum. They can hear you. It’s just a book or two books saying. 

I don’t interfere his life like I don’t care for him enough. I am not that stupid enough to go dwell on anyone’s business while I have already a whole book to write up for how many years or generation to come every single day!

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