
Babaji: you don’t consider to think of your back up once you finish your regent?

 I don’t think like you.

Babaji: every guys knows how this games are play. This round or next round. You built a good reputation so next round you have your role to play. But if you so desperately to ruin that his thought on you, you just keep screaming til your lung off so he can write you up as pretty as it sounds.

You all know about this?

Babaji: if you don’t tell. No one knows I guess you define whom don’t know.

You knew about there is a next chapter around if the throne handed it to Eben and he would do what? 

Babsji: why don’t you two talk ? 

I am not interested in his business not even mentioned it, of course I mentioned it.

Babaji: what did you say about this program he built? Like do you even know what it is?

NO! I don’t know!!

Babsji: Someone spent years in business you don’t ask him, control him a little bit, what you gonna do with your money? He just handed to you?

I don’t want to talk about this anymore. He does his things, I do my things. If one day my regent day is over, I don’t ever want has anything to do with him or what he is so ...so...

Babaji: so what?

Following whatever scripts said or done. Red River is just one of the books. For a Bible to rotate to the next chapters books, I imagine that’s for every books? We cannot be possible reading the comics books every day!!

Babaj: why not?

I have enough. I don’t want to talk about this anymore. 

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