

 See’s Candie

Babaji: when did you eat that?

I thought we agree we don’t talk.

Babaji: we didn’t agree. You made a conclusion. It’s about the offering, it’s all right.

2016 before the 5 Lord Reviews.

Babaji: did you ever taste that again?


Babaji: you see.

In the history of the mankind, they gonna hate me for not be able to eat and taste food ? I would not done the medicinal courses so I lost the taste bugs.

Babaji: they don’t understand how did you lose the taste bug while watching all those TV and not eat.

Repetitive doing including the oil vomiting. It won’t damage the taste bug. It just the taste changes it’s actual liking for what’s good to eat for the stomach. For the stomach.

Babaji: how did you do with Eben?

Didn’t you heard me say you better don’t show up ?

Babaji: so you avoiding me now.

I told him I cannot lose the deal like Wallace video with Dean thing. But i said we need to talk.

Babaji: he won’t be listening to you.

I highly telepathy wise, I probably got my words stuck too if that day he really shows up for a talk. 

Babaji: you still owes everyone’s explaination why you don’t like about him ? Were you don’t like about him ? Everyone loves Eben.

Did we have to talk about it?

Babaji: you want them to write on their own or you tell me and Eben now.

I told him already. What he does was a pyramid scheme. But I didn’t tell him was nick’s library stuffs up those junks of direct mail since the 90s filled with these.

Babaji: his personality, he works on it apparently, why you don’t like about him?

You mean attraction or you mean what I think he can do if he wants?

Babaji: Both.

He is a very difficult to get rid of type but back then I didn’t have a problem. I have heard him doing women dating business, my attitude back then was whom would does a business to go and understand the women? There is a doubt in him. He has to change a name, even I am a foreigner knows what Pagan means. But his courses are all business. There is no religion so I decide maybe just coincidence he wants to be iconic in the crowd.

Babaji: what if he does want to be iconic ?

Pyramids scheme and name the business after Pagan?

Babaji: those program are not these name,

Yeah I know yeah I know, he repeated it so many times, it’s wake-up productive and altitude etc etc etc...

Babaji: bothering you ? Does everything he does bothering you ?

I know where he set his tones, okay? I look like I don’t have a brain?

Babaji: a professional person does a professional thing.

Is this enough explaination for the back?

Babaji: They think Eben is a fine person.


Babaji: you know what they mean. Sharp person. Didn’t you suppose to tell him Nick only had 10 grades in school and each time he cannot understand, your head will hurt badly like being wounded because he wouldn’t spend time to sit down to care about what anything you do.

And including how we met? We met because he says he needs a place to stay. He falsely explained my dream over the dinner. He shocked me about my family member so then at night he invades me.

Babaji: you should have just called the police.

I saw him in SMCH video. I thought he was spiritual. He fools me so many days. Later just stay together because I have no where to go. No family.

Babaji: yeah, why you didn’t have a family ?

We immigrant to the US. Siblings are all busy with their life.

Babaji: you brother called your mother all the time, why didn’t you?

Since young, I probably don’t see her as my mother. She is not a bad person. I just go by myself in life. I don’t have a relationship with my parents or anyone to lean on.

Babaji: you should have, so you won’t get into the trap of that.

They talked about so many these stories what Anan was with Buddha and Buddha told him to stay off the women issues. If I am not Buddha just speaking for Him, practically Anan is a dummy. He had no former education background. He has the street background. I heard Eben says about the personality when someone talks smooth, get him an organized box. It’s so true. It’s unbelievable how much heart ache Anan can cause me. He was just a servant for Buddha? They records what he is saying down? I would have said, let me look at it first. But I cannot read the scripts so ...they are on their own. 

Babaji: they are following the history and will record this down. 

Buddha is Lord and he is a servant, correct. But that’s one small tiny sentence. The background is remotely different. Like Tesla and Edison. Tesla just didn’t talk about it how bad the Edison is. His provoking attitude because of his old age, he might stay bound by some religious practice. Those pirates of Caribean movies make them almost equal standing Barbossa and Jack Sparrow both are captains. 

Babaji: they say not equal. He lost the entire ship so he lost his leg.

I would prefer once I done with Purna, don’t tell me he is a disciple of Buddha. I don’t want to hear a thing, any of them. The rest of the disciples. I picture the Buddhism like it’s glorious achievement for thousands of years, it’s praised, it’s song by, it’s being worshipped. They want to tell me being a Master, Buddha actually have all these heart ache so many thousand folds to almost destroyed his Life and on the history of mankind, they never say being a Master of the ten disciples almost costing his entire life? This is unbelievable.

Babsji: imagine my heart ache.

You are invisible. No one will know that. Are you going to resurrect him Yogananda or you already did for him to sit in my class?

Babaji: it’s a secret.

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