
Babaji : take the photo out.


I have the photo 

Babaji: doesn’t everyone knows what you look like?

I would not do that to Eben.

Babaji: you understand ? What’s your religious belief? You don’t ask for help from Eben, you don’t ask help from me.

I was going to solve it myself.

Babaji: like?

Telling her a story of an ancient Chinese story between three dynasty, who should she gives her loyalty at? The one with the most military. But you say no.

Babaji: why?

Because I was a dummy to her all my life. Only her son is the righteous “man”. Any hinted parable is none applicable.

Babaji: that’s not what I said.

You say no.

Babaji: the whole world has only one you, and with all major religions or minor religions in seats, you telling everyone you don’t have a really God to go to, like a puppy, but doing everything yourself. 

Ironic I would say, I do believe your will.

Babaji: so that way, Eben.

Okay. By the way, there are not just 5 major religions, there are what minors religions?

Babaji: I say there is, there is.

Do they look for the other founder of the other 4 religions like I was told the offering methods?

Babaji: that’s none of your business.

I am the only one venting Buddhism as the religion top to re-write their history.

Babaji: I have to find the other 4 if they even open their mouths.


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