
Babaji: Like I told you

 3 keys area of Life to be successful.

Babaji: now you believe me...

I heard people doing the mind works, but that’s sounds like a lot of people doing the same exact things.

Babaji: Like I explained to you.

You said there are people into your spirituality.

Babaji: what’s difference?

What I mean is they are very competitive to do the mind works. Competitive.

Babaji: Lots of people are into the meditation and exercise. 

They want to pursue Buddhism so they meditate? 

Babaji: Like I said, there are missionary type of people.

That’s church.

Babaji: no, it’s not limited to church.

People want to be spiritual, high awareness and be active in the fitness !!

Babaji: you used to do all that.

Well, I didn’t have the pressure doing it because I see nobody. There were seminar I been to and seen people all talk about the similar thing. They actually not just doing it, they teach others to do it.

Babaji: just because you don’t teach others, you cannot ask them not to teach.

That’s not what I mean. They want I to be a priest ? 

Babaji: Many.

I only want to solve these crisis, not really to teach others. Some people have to feel fulfilling so they pursue a more humanitarian teaching. They feel fulfilling  ?

Babaji: you don’t feel it?

So if they were me, doing everything I did from 2013 to 2021 they will feel fullfilling to the 194 countries?

Babaji: that ... they probably don’t feel the way you feel about life. Combating greys and reptilian through the movies or combating the telepathy downloads images ...they might imagine if they were you. Their feeling if they done all that and be seen by everybody on the TV, they might be very exhilarating.

Meaning feeling good about it right?

Babaji: happy, that’s probably sounds like. Very happy and proud of.


Babaji: you feel these things are nuisance. You try to get rid of one, then two, then three...like no ending you feel. But they don’t use the TV like you use. You use the TV and 194 countries their TV to battle others. While others enjoy the TV entertainment. 

So they did thought if they were me, to going through all that? Starting which point ?

Babaji: it’s all different. But roughly they all try to think if they are in a reality test what can they do to outsmart others.   


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