
Babaji: I am not done talking with you

 I don’t really want to talk. I know why you are here.

Babaji: no one but you not picking up my phone?

I was just switching the YouTube user panel behind.

Babaji: your unwillingness is so ...obvious.

They like to hear you.

Babaji: your wedding.

Can we not to talk about this right now? Just not right now?

Babaji: if you really upset, you should talk.

I am not upset.

Babaji: you are.😘

I am doing some works. If you just want to tell me the Internet marketing department or India finding my brains needs to be tested, I already know. 

Babaji: what do you think I know ? that you just know briefly ?

A lot probably.

Babaji: you cannot avoiding talking to me.

I am not avoiding talking to you.

Babaji: next time don’t bother switching the user panel. Report to me here immeditately.


Babaji: you were thinking to buy Eben’s kid presents, what do you in mind to buy?

Can I just wait until I have to? I just happened to see she grows up in the video. Nick uses to have so many of grandkids. They grow up, they grow tall. There is nothing I could teach them because they live a normal life. 

Babaji: you wonder if Eben gonna tell her the Secret. 

I just say the modern kid is living differently. 

Babaji: do you think ...of it the wedding ?

No. You can send me photo. Asking about my friends. Eben’s friends are fine. I don’t have any particular friends be that close but I might think about it.

Babaji: you gonna restore your medicinal hobbits?


Babaji: the Asian they move, you know.

So I was heard. I usually have no sense of that. Are they actually serious?

Babaji: you underestimate the power in the religion from the religious crowd. 

I don’t know. They would migrant there. I see where SMCH used to live in Europe, I didn’t think she has her disciples be her neighbors. On the other hand, here  in Taiwan. I have heard about they really moved there. 

Babaji: do you say one classify person?

I could only see through one. You say no, it’s not one.

Babaji: what did I say?

You display the whole conference room , more the front like as if I am the speaker. 

Babaji: so you don’t know if it’s whole room or just the crowd?

I am getting used the way how you describe things with all these images and with an audio voice on the side. To me if it’s a whole room, it’s absurd. Maybe I just don’t care about it. Everyday I work through so many flash image, at least thousands now to say I see things. I cannot get validated, but I assume if they gonna divide the classify as many level personnel’s, they would have that much people for real. Not like 2 each level of classify and makes 12 levels, and total makes 24. 

Babaji: No, it’s not like that.

There are at least 194 rooms I could look... why I got glue to my ipad...suck into their worlds. Of course I reflect ...why I cannot get connected to the outside world people just walking pass by me. Normally the map just has a wind blows on the top, a swift.

Babaji: traveling bags?

I saw the image sending to me. I will use my money to buy now, since I need to spent some preparation clothing. 

Babaji: they show you ring on the video.

I didn’t look.

Babaji: you don’t want to look?

I never really have a Diamond ring. Whatever Eben likes is fine with me. Wedding dress, guest lists if there is that occasion. 

Babaji: you think you go to the court only?

I don’t think so but he gonna explained twice why he ...that?

Babaji: he what?

Getting married the second time.

Babaji: if you and me getting married, you gonna pick your dress or I pick?

Probably I.

Babaji: so? 

Could we actually have that reality check while later it is happening, not when you ask me all these now?

Babaji: I cannot be part of it?

Today is the day we have to talk about it?

Babaji: I am talking about it.

I would look ...

Babaji: do you ever see the movies how they do this?

I don’t think it would be that complicated.

Babsji: Eben don’t make it complicated, the US government will make it complicated?

For each generation from now on to look at it, I saw it. Fine. If that day comes, I will plan.

Babaji: you want to say?

You are not actually saw their wedding methods to decides Eben knows how to be that elaborate ?

Babaji: Of course not. He just has some kind of character. 

Men like him has a lot of things they don’t say. I don’t trust him.

Babaji: you and me this close, he may not trust you neither. What if I show up, you gonna leave?

I don’t think so.

Babaji: there is a TV.

If they all have a hope you gonna show up, I give them some credits for that. But if you really do show up, I have to ensure you speak English with the right mind, not everything does in ‘India traditional “ ways you say which centuries you were from? No killing. No guessing no dictatorship.

Babaji: look on the TV.

They wrote you a wiki.

Babaji: I will keep that mind. I am not like the TV (sarcastic)

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